OPAWZ Certification Program
OPAWZ certifications offer all groomers the opportunity to participate in an innovative creative grooming networks with fellow creative groomers worldwide, as well as provide a way that may have their creative grooming skills evaluated and certified.
Obtaining the OPAWZ grooming certification affords you the confidence to better serve your furry clients in the creative grooming field. Receiving the certifications show your customers your professional knowledge of creative pet grooming and you’re serious about a career as a creative dog groomer.
Qualifications to be certified
Individuals holding the OPAWZ certifications validated their creative grooming skills in the areas of:
- Proficient in the use and knowledge of OPAWZ pet-safe grooming products
- Great creative grooming techniques & designs
- Professional dog grooming skills
- Pledge to pet grooming safety
Want to be certified by OPAWZ?
Submit at least 20 of your creative grooming works done with OPAWZ by email to customercare@opawz.com with the subject line "OPAWZ Certification"
Due to high volume of applications, please allow for 7-10 business days for a response. If you do not receive a response after 1 month of submission, please feel free to email us again for updates. 🐾
We also check social media so tag us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok with #opawz and @opawz
Click here for more info >>
OPAWZ Certificated Groomers List
Groomers are sorted alphabetically by first name
Adriane's Groom and Go
Instagram: adriane_pope
Simply Diffurent Mobile Grooming
Instagram: simply_diffurent
Facebook: SimplyDifFURentmobile
Angela's Grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/angela.kumpe
Aishin Pet Grooming School
Instagram: aishinpet
Facebook: AishinPetGroomingSchool
The Rollin’ Doghouse Mobile Pet Grooming
Instagram: cindy_olivertn
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Rollin-Doghouse-Mobile-Pet-Grooming-183038201715862
CR Grooming Academy
Instagram: crgroomer
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CR-Grooming-Academy-1404345869701975
Queen of Color
Instagram: creativegroomer_queenofcolor
Facebook: dawnomboyqoc
Groom My Friend
Instagram: PetStylist_Holly
Grooming Salon Jazz
Instagram: jazz_groom
Facebook: GroomingSalonJazz
Isabella's Exclusive Grooming
Creative Canines
Instagram: jillymoochgrooms
Facebook: creativecaninesct
Sougo Pet Grooming School
Jinipet Academy
Instagram: jinipet_academy
Kathleen Sepulveda Pet Grooming
Instagram: kathleensepulvedapetgrooming
The Painted Pooch
Instagram: laurenpistoncreativegroomer
Facebook: ThePaintedPooch98166
Puces non Comprises
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057327773537
Dawg Gone Dirty
Facebook: DawgGoneDirtyPetGrooming
San Diego Grooming Academy
Instagram: sdgroomingacademy
Facebook: sdgroomingacademy
Riddles Creative Box
Instagram: Riddlescreativebox
Facebook: Riddlescreativebox
York's Summer Grooming Salon
Meng Yi Pet Grooming School
Groomed by Adrian
Instagram: groomedbyadrian
Facebook: GroomedByAdrian
The Paw Spa of Georgetown
Instagram: animalartsbyallison
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lovemypawspa
Dog Grooming by Anais
Instagram: anais_hayden
Facebook: DogGroomingByAnais
Pet Revival
Instagram: petrevival
Facebook: PetRevivalGrooming
City Dog
Instagram: babyskunkgrooms
Facebook: CityDogSD
Patitas Perrunas
Instagram: andreasaud_artista
Uncanny Animals
Instagram: uncannyanimals
Facebook: uncannyanimals
The Poodle Groomer
Grooms By Blaze
Instagram: groomsbyblaze
Facebook: GroomsbyBlaze
Dee's Paw Spa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/deespawspa
Instagram: deespawspa
The Creative Groomer
Gabriel Feitosa Grooming Salon
Pet Stylz Salon
Instagram: jill_groom
Facebook: PetStylz
Juliebee's Extreme Grooms
Instagram: fedotovagroomer
LesMare Pet Spa and Resort
Facebook: LesMarePetSpaandResort
The Dog Wash & Paws Up Pet Salon
Instagram: thegroomergal
Facebook: TheDowlingDogWash
Tailored Canine
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tailoredcanineID
The Laundromutt
Instagram: thelaundromutt
Facebook: TheLaundromutt
The Soggie Doggie
Instagram: the_soggie_doggie
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheSoggieDoggieNorwood
Designer Paws Salon
Instagram: designerpawssalon
Facebook: designerpawssalon
Instagram: nataamigo777
The Lansing Grooming Spa
Instagram: cr8tivebynicole
Facebook: groomingspalansing
Pawsitively Purrfect
Instagram: pawpurrfect_tn
Facebook: PawPurrfectTN
Groomin Tails Pet Salon
Instagram: racheldeannaross
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Groomin-Tails-Pet-Salon-294632507228323
Paw Chic
Instagram: paw_chic
Creative Clips Grooming Salon
Facebook: creativeclipsgroomingsalon
Creative Canines
Instagram: creativecanines
Facebook: CreativeCanines
Teddydog School
Instagram: anh_khuong_ryan
Abigail Dog Grooming
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming
Instagram: alyssa_the_pet_stylist
Muse Dog Spa
The Dharma of Dog
Instagram: the_dharma_of_dog
Facebook: dharmadogpetstyles
The Groom Room
Sassy Paws Grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sassypaws86
Bare Bones Dog Salon
Premier Paws
Doggie Bole Grooming LLC
Instagram: doggiebole
Facebook: DoggieBole
Transfurmations Dog Spa
Instagram: transfurmations2020
Facebook: Transfurmations2020
Canyon Canines
Instagram: canyoncanines
Facebook: playcanyoncanines
Woofs 'n Wags
Instagram: woofsnwags
Facebook: winnipegdogdaycare
Utopian Grooming
Instagram: utopian_grooming
Wizard of Pawz
Instagram: ericaannharper
Fee Fee's Fresh Paws
Facebook: feefreshpaws
Fux Szabina Grooming
Instagram: fux_szabina_grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/fux.szabina
Louisianna Grooming
Instagram: louisianna_grooming
Facebook: louisiannagroomingservice
Salón Rak Thai Creative Grooming
Instagram: gisecreative
Facebook: RakThaiCreativeGrooming
Pet care plus by Gloriathegroomer LLC
Facebook: www.facebook.com/gloriathegroomer
Instagram: gloriathegroomer
Instagram: han.norris
MomoHome Academy
Honey Doggy Hundesalon
Lucky Dog Grooming
Jayne and Erika’s Dog Grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Jayne-and-Erikas-dog-grooming-271206603030250
Bubblesaway Petsalon
Instagram: bubblesawaysalon
Facebook: BubblesAwayPetSalon
Instagram: beauty.bowwoow
Instagram: torontocolourqueen
Vanity Fur Grooming LLC
It's Pawfect
Instagram: itspawfect
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ItsPawfectGrooming
Dogue Spa
Instagram: doguespa
Facebook: doguespa
Grooming by Juanita
Instagram: groomingbyjuanita
Facebook: groomingbyjuanita
JuJu and Friends
Instagram: joeypoodleandco
The Fetch House
Instagram: choppedbylam
Facebook: thefetchhouse
Chic à l'os Toilettage
Instagram: chic_feline
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Chic-à-los-toilettage-1872343263030248
All Pet Grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllPetGrooming801
Instagram: madifreakinholt
Salon Pielęgnacji Psów Mancz
Instagram: salonmanczi
Pet Grooming by Melissa
Instagram: pet_groomingbymelissa
Facebook: GroomingByMelissaMelville
Hollywood Dog Spa
Instagram: creative_1mic
Dog Fashion Luxury Mobile Grooming
Instagram: dogfashiongrooming
Facebook: GroomingDogFashion
Instagram: groomerpaulafernandes
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Escola-de-Estética-Canina-groomer-Paula-Fernandes-e-salão-103893624474929
Woofies Mobile Pet Spa
Instagram: sarae182
Facebook: sarae182
Grooming by Fantamie
Instagram: grooming_by_fantamie
Instagram: topknotsandpomtails
Royal Dog
Facebook: www.facebook.com/snezhana.oborina
The Barking Lot
Instagram: barkinglotcleveland
Facebook: TheBarkingLotClevelandGa
BooBoo Pet Grooming Services
Instagram: booboopgs
Facebook: booboopgs
Modern Pet Salon
Instagram: pupper_grooming
Sun Country Grooming
Instagram: suncountrygrooming
Facebook: suncountrygrooming
Woofs 'n Wags
Instagram: woofsnwags
Facebook: winnipegdogdaycare
Veterinary Clinic of Myrtle Beach
Instagram: vettechwlw
Red Carpet Grooming
Instagram: rcgrooming
Blessed Little Grooming Company LLC
Pet Aesthetic
Instagram: allisonm.grooming
Facebook: www.facebook.com/allison.mgrooming
Hippie Dawgs Grooming
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100076187332783
Clover Pup Salon
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CloverPupSalon
Studio 851 Pet Spa & Grooming LLC
Nashville Pet Salon
Diamonds in the Ruff
Instagram: groomingextraordinaire
Facebook: diamondsintheruff190
Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Winter Garden
The Fetch House
Instagram: groomsbyash16
Facebook: thefetchhouse
The Classic Fur LLC
Facebook: www.facebook.com/The-Classic-Fur-llc-100145134933813
Baylee Brabazon
HoTail CaliFurnia LLC
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Bethanyanita.CPG
Instagram: bethsoullieregrooming
Here, Doggy!
A Plus Professional Pet Grooming
BCool Dog Studio
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090482265166
KandiKutz Salon and Spa
Instagram: kandikutzsalonandspa
Paws Fur Grooming
Cara's Pet Grooming
Instagram: carascolorfulcanines
Furry to Fabulous Pet Spa
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/furrytofabulouspetspa
Babygirl Groomz
Paw Printz Grooming
Facebook: PawPrintzGroomingByCheyenne
Love My Dawg Resort & Spa of Long Island
Instagram: groomingbychrissymarla
Canine Carousel
Instagram: lewiswilt
Facebook: CanineCarouselVA
Ciara's Pet Grooming
Bark & Bath Pet Salon
Cuddles with Cora Pet Grooming Salon
Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers. Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.
Facebook: sirensgrotto
Wüf Pet Spa
K-Kuttz Pet Spa
Viva La Pooch LLC
Groom Exclusive
Instagram: pom_poodle_horse
Facebook: OPAWZnl
Strutt Your Mutt Snellville
Dog Style Greece
Instagram: dogstylegreece
Grooms by Em
Instagram: grooms_by_em
Facebook: GroomsByEm
Front of the Pack Pet Salon
Styl’n By Erika
Canine Confetti
Instagram: estercatalan
Facebook: SamisEsterCatalan
Eve Pet Salón
Instagram: eve_petsalon
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Eve-Pet-Salón-220737611470765
Francesca's DOGroom
Instagram: francescasdogroomicmg
Facebook: FrancescasDOGroom
Gabby The Groomer & Co.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086082682163
Alpha Pet Spa LLC
Instagram: alphapetspallc
Facebook: AlphaPetSpaGrooming
Pet Care Plus by Gloriathegroomer
Instagram: gloriathegroomer
Facebook: gloriathegroomer
Jiang Xin Pet Grooming Salon
Groom by Harry
Instagram: groombyharry
Facebook: groombyharry
The Pink Poodle LLC
Facebook: sparkles49j
The Yuppie Puppy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theyuppup
Pawradise Pawfection Petspaw
Instagram: PawradisePawfectionPetSpaw
Facebook: PawradisePawfectionPetSpaw
Shaggy Tails Dog Grooming
Day of the Dog Pet Spa
2 Feet 4 Paws Grooming Salon LLC
Groomed By Adrian Pet Salon
The Pooch Room
Dogue Spa
Instagram: dreamyjaaye
Canine Canvas
IG: www.instagram.com/caninecanvas
Charlie’s Place, Pet Spa and Boutique
Facebook: CharliesPlacePetSpaAndBoutique
Paws Grooming Studio & Spa
The Fetch House
Instagram: thefetchhouse
Facebook: thefetchhouse
Instagram: kawasakigirl133
Instagram: jayleighdee
Facebook: jenny.deyoe
Ultimutt Dog Care Grooming
Paw Dat
Instagram: grooming_by_jessica_nola
Facebook: www.facebook.com/jessica.heymann.75
Jessie's Pet Spa
Instagram: jessies_petspa
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Jessies-Pet-Spa-188943524471108/
Pawsitive Evolution Grooming
Estetica Millan
Golden Grooming
Instagram: goldengroomingsalon
Facebook: goldengroomingsalon
Joy Barba
Muttheads Pet Care LLC
I'm in Doggy Heaven Pet Grooming
Instagram: groomingbykw
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Im-in-Doggy-Heaven-Pet-Grooming-189575137851382
KJG Dog Grooming Academy
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KJGdoggrooming
Jenny Sue’s Pet Grooming
Instagram groominbykelly
Precision Pet Grooming & Boutique
Rovan Grooming
Instagram: kelsey.rovan.grooming
K9 salon & Spa
Smooches for the Pooches
Instagram: smoochesforthepoochesllc
Facebook: smoochesforthepooches
Sandi’s Pet Grooming
Use this text to share information about your brand with your customers. Describe a product, share announcements, or welcome customers to your store.
Bark n’ Park Mobile Grooming
Instagram: barknpark_ri
Facebook: barknparkri
Instagram: rosebud.lakota
Fur Street Pet Salon
Instagram: pet.pralatir
Facebook: pet.pralatir
Lexy's Pawsmetics LLC
Spike Dog Grooming and Boutique
Instagram: spikegrooming
Facebook: SpikeGrooming
Studio Pet Maicon Seifert
Instagram: groomermaiconseifert
Pup Cutz N Colorz LLC
Instagram: cutz_n_colorz
Facebook: PupCutzNColorz
PET Service Anuel
Facebook: petservicechihuahua
Pooch La Vie Dog Grooming Salon & Boutique
Sylvie’s Pet Salon
Facebook: SylviesPetSalon
Dirty Little Barkers Grooming
Foxy Like Roxy Mobile Grooming
Facebook: Foxylikeroxy
Dreamdogz Grooming