
Why Creative Dog Grooming?

Why Creative Dog Grooming?

Why? By Brittney CookA Furry Affair USA "Why?" This is the question we get asked frequently when people see our vibrant pets in public. There is a misconception that these...

How To Assemble OPAWZ Model Dog with Model Dog Wig - OPAWZ Model Dog Grooming

Demonstration Video for Model Dog - How to Assemble the Wig with OPAWZ Model Dog

How to Style A Model Dog in Asian Inspired Teddy Bear Head - OPAWZ Model Dog Grooming Practice

OPAWZ Model Dog Head styled in an Asian Inspired Teddy Bear Trim By Sue Wright    
How To Style A Model Dog Head Wig With Scissors - OPAWZ Model Dog Grooming

How To Style A Model Dog Head Wig With Scissors - OPAWZ Model Dog Grooming

OPAWZ Model Dog Head Scissoring Techniques & Model Dog Wig Styling Tutorial Videos from Rita Szabó.
How to Install & Disassemble a OPAWZ Model Dog & Wig

How to Install & Disassemble a OPAWZ Model Dog & Wig

In this OPAWZ Model Dog & Wig Installation and Disassembly tutorial, we are going to demonstrate how to install and dis-assemble the OPAWZ Model mannequin.
Monthly Grooming Contest Competition Grooming  -

Monthly Grooming Contest Competition Grooming -

OPAWZ Monthly Competition Grooming Contest brings out the talented groomers to showcase their creative grooming ideas to the world.  Here announcing the winners of the January – February grooming contest. Congratulations...
Christmas Grooming Contest 2019 –  Best Creative Grooming Ideas from OPAWZ

Christmas Grooming Contest 2019 – Best Creative Grooming Ideas from OPAWZ

See more ideas from OPAWZ about pet creative grooming If you are looking for an idea to win a Creative Grooming Contest or a Creative Styling Contest! Here featuring the...
Halloween Dog Grooming Contest 2019 – Best Creative Dog Grooming Ideas from OPAWZ

Halloween Dog Grooming Contest 2019 – Best Creative Dog Grooming Ideas from OPAWZ

OPAWZ Halloween Dog Grooming Contest 2019 brings out the most talented groomers in the business to showcase their Best Halloween creative dog grooming ideas to the world. Professional groomers of...
Think Outside The Square And Be Creative With OPAWZ Pet Coloring

Think Outside The Square And Be Creative With OPAWZ Pet Coloring

Let’s think outside the square, there is always an idea out there that a service or product can make your pet grooming business better. Here we are going to suggest some...
Topknots To Top Hats

Topknots To Top Hats

Hats are fun. We all have plopped one on our heads from time to time. Wouldn’t it be fun to fashion a hat on your dog or on a client’s...